Abacus - New WEB for francis-teyssier.com

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Virtual Museum > The early ones > simple adding machines
Ok, maybe not the first type of calculators, but certainly one of the most ancient and widely used around the world. I read somewhere that the first type of calculators were :
- the hands and feet: by counting the fingers, toes, and event joints
- beads or grain or pebbles

The abacus above, in my collection, was a gift. I spent some time figuring out how to use these beads.

There are plenty of web sites explaining how to use an abacus. Here is the link on WikiHow

Later in the collection I will also show the hybrid models of calculator where we have one side as an abacus, and one side as an electronic calculator (belt and suspenders). I also found abacus attached to anything possible, such as lighters, flashlight, etc.

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